Monday 15 September 2008

Greek “spiritual healers” abuse woman over 230 times and get paid for it

For those who don’t want to read the article, a couple of guys in the Greek community in Sydney convinced a young woman she was cursed and her family was in big trouble, and the only way of lifting the curse was to undergo rituals that mainly involved sexual acts with her. They charged between $500 and $1000 a session, of which there were at least 70 over a 3 year period. Quite a few people I’ve spoken to about this find it hard to understand how this woman could have been tricked into this to this level. Once, strange but OK. Twice, getting weirder. But 70 times over 3 years sounds a little unbelievable. Note that she was not part of a cult or anything, she lived a “normal” life otherwise.

Sex attack duo promised to end curse - National -

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