Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Possibly the best freestyle bike rider in the world

Even if he is the best freestyle bike rider in the world, he doesn't have even a tiny bit of the flair Nicole had in BMX Bandits.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Extreme Sheep LED Art

I was disappointed to find out at the end it was an ad for Samsung, so I’m warning you up front, but it’s still pretty cool if it’s real, hard to tell if it’s real or not though.

Monday, 6 April 2009

DIY Emergency Cricothyrotomy Keychain

For all of those times when you find yourself having to save someone’s life because they can’t breath through their mouth, you can buy LifeStat, The Emergency Pocket Airway Tool. Yours in brass/aluminium for only $125, or as a gift for that special someone, 24k gold plate for $250.

Don’t know how to perform an emergency cricothyrotomy? It’s just 7 easy steps:

Dr. French, inventor of the Emergency Pocket Airway and an Ear, Nose, and Throat Physician, states the following:

  1. In an emergency, unscrew the device from the end threaded onto the key ring.
  2. Unscrew the other end. A trochar and cannula will slide out.
  3. Perforate cricothyroid membrane or other accessible area of airway with trochar threaded within cannula.
  4. Withdraw trochar after it and cannula are within lumen of trachea.
  5. Thread small end of outer casing into hub of the cannula, thereby extending the length of what has become a breathing tube.
  6. Spontaneous or assisted breathing now possible. Ambu or respirator adaptable.
  7. Apparatus may remain in position during subsequent attempt at oral intubation.

The Pope Condom

From http://blog.iwhc.org/2009/04/the-pope-condom/

Friday, 3 April 2009

Songs of Praise (with subtitles)

I love these types of vids. Can’t get enough of them.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Icelandic biotech company deCODE Genetics slides towards bankruptcy

“This might seem like a simple case of yet another biotech out-stripping its capital - but it's sadder than that. While it appears that deCODE made some poor strategic decisions in a business sense, it did use its unique assets (i.e. access to the DNA, health and genealogical records of a large proportion of the Icelandic population) to answer fundamental questions about human genetics. A remarkable number of the genome-wide association studies published over the last couple of years have come from deCODE (I've heard the company described as "a biotech that acts like an academic research institute").”

Genetic Future : A train wreck in slow motion: deCODE Genetics slides towards bankruptcy

Cult mother pleads guilty but with resurrection clause in plea

A cult mother let her baby son starve to death after he started refusing to say amen after a meal. She pleaded guilty, but with the condition that if the son is resurrected her plea will be withdrawn.

Melbourne Catholic Church embraces testing to ID gay priests | Herald Sun

I don’t even know where to begin on how wrong this is. There are so many levels of wrong, I don’t even have the energy to go through them.

Melbourne Catholic Church embraces testing to ID gay priests | Herald Sun