There’s plenty of hilarious Borat spread out through the whole vid, so put up with it to the end.
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Amazing and hilarious! If you listen the Indian guys filming have kindly given us english commentary. :)
MTV has a music video website, which is very nicely organised, and a lot easier than trawling through youtube for music vid clips.
For those who got the previous one thinking it was for a car, it’s for glasses. - Watch more free videos
These are albino people, not animals.
"People say that the body parts taken from albinos are sold in Tanzania. They put them on gold mines and that brings the gold to the surface, then you just need to collect it," said Ciza, fear evident in his pale blue eyes.
"Some fishermen also use the parts to bait large fish they think have gold in their bellies."
This is brutal, but the comedian is so bad and such a dickhead at the start that what Foxx does to him is pure gold.
"The only takeaway food she eats is sushi. We're not takeaway people," she said.
"She eats very healthily; Weetbix and fruit for breakfast, a salad roll for lunch and a normal dinner. She probably eats less than my eldest daughter, who's a size 8."
Queensland teenager Samantha-Jane Stacey wins sumo medal | The Courier-Mail
It will be interesting to follow this story and see if the guy gets decent use from his transplanted arms.
Kirk Cameron stars as a firefighter in a christian movie Fireproof where he’s a guy in a troubled marriage that is saved (presumably otherwise it’d be a pretty crappy christian movie) in the name of Jesus. Skip to about 1:20 in the vid to hear about how people on the set were constantly praying and shoving prayer cards into his costume in his locker as they were making the movie.